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I read about this a while back, was tempted to try the demo and I was smiling all the way through despite having zero rhythm and losing a lot.  I haven't been keeping an eye on the fanscene, which I appreciate is really quite extensive so I came to the pre-order version as basically a novice.  I am impressed.  So inventive, so clever.  Well done developers, keep it up.

I appreciate part of the fun is seeing the new features and you earn them by clearing levels, but wow, it is hard for a new player.  I am pretty good at rhythm action usually, but this is crushing at times (even if it is keeping a metronome beat mentally).  I lost a lot.  Consider putting in a super easy mode or expect a number of less patient players to refund and leave a negative review when you release on Steam.

Thanks tho, this is awesome.

Hey proxymoron thank you for the extensive feedback, this is really useful. Yeah we specifically hid this preorder and didn't announce it anywhere because we meant for this to be more geared towards the fans on discord and the mailing list, who are usually people who have played the game for a lot longer than most.

Hearing you loud and clear about the difficulty, and the full game will build up much more gently and have a bunch of drills and accessibility adjustments for those who need the game more lenient. This is one of the first feedback we have gotten from a less experienced player and its really useful, so thank you for the writeup and the preorder, really appreciate it!