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I don't know if you will see my comment or if you will understand me (I'm speak Spanish) but I have to say that... I love you, seriously, I'm having to much fun with this game, it make me laugh a lot of times, the scenes are awesome, the story is great and I always want to play more and more! And this is the first time that a game like this make me feel this! Seriously thank you and keep up with the good work! <3 

I also want to know if we are close to the next version of the game or if we will get pretty soon... Because I'm in love with your work! <3 thanks 


Thank you so so much! I'm Argentinian, so I understand Spanish, if you wanna make a comment in that language!

The next version is definitely close.


Oh OK... En resumen te amo <3 gracias por el juego <3

Oye sabes dónde de esta la library esq no la encuentro

(1 edit)

La library le tienes que pedís a los hermanos que reparan que te la construyan 

I love this game. Despite its demeanor and overall context, the story is really well made and the jokes have me falling out of my chair. My favorite was Kiuto(or however you spell it) when he said " Sqaure up, Thot" had me dying laughing