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So...My friend got mad at me because he got rejected.. basically in our science class he liked a girl, he told me that he was gonna tell her and I was like "cool.." so ig he got rejected and I asked him if he needed anything or wanted to talk about it but he was like "Let me forget about it;!" And he yelled it and it made me feel really bad..and on top of that my friend was over reacting over a boy that she doesn't even like doesn't like her and called her an op for hanging out with a guy that we all don't like..she started "crying" and I rlly can't tell if she was or not but- anyway she kept telling me what to tell him and yeah... AND my sister's moving to Louisiana soon and everyone keeps telling me to be happy for her and I am but she's basically the only person I can talk to with no filter (other than you). And yeah...

Yikes. You need better friends. And I get it, my sister is leaving for college soon and ik I should be happy for her but I'm actually gonna miss her since she was kind of my therapist, even if I act like I won't care that she's gone. It's just that, that's life. Nothing's gonna stay the same. I honestly don't know what to say bc I'm still working through this myself. I wish I could help more, I really do. I'm sorry.

it's okay, I'm happy you're working on yourself

thank you
