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(1 edit)

But the gb colour pallette has 5 colours...

The Game Boy Color can have 3 palettes of 4 colors (1 for background and 2 for sprites) for a total of 12 colors. For this jam the restriction follows the original Game Boy

Ok can I use a non gb set of 4 colours? (gonna go with a black and white horror game in gb style with the limits most likely)

The rules say "use 4 colours only".

I recommend that you find a nice tint and go with a light-to-dark palette.

I've started but I might give up the screen size is pissing me off

It really boils down to "git gud". With that said I'm not sure what your problem is.

Mind posting a screenshot?

I've given up now but basically all my plans would be ruined by too large graphics or text ect.

Then use smaller graphics. 16x16 sprites should be fine. It gives you plenty of detail to work with.

No it doesn't.