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What did this game do well?


'It felt like a fun little mindless mobile game that does the illusion of choice quite well! You shoot things, numbers go bigger, animations go brrrrr, you mash the button, things die. It's not a challenging game, but not all games need to be challenging. There are plenty of games that work by making the player feel like a powerful master blaster without too much effort!

I couldn't tell you what the PCG is off the top of my head in this game was, though I would guess the enemy waves are randomly generated? They felt themed, though, so if that was PCG'd it was smoothly done!'

The gameplay is simple to understand and pretty fun to play. It feels really good to get all the buffs as the wave goes on and watch you become stronger. I also like how there is a lot of variety of different power-ups.

I really love how quick it is to get stupidly broken -- as a big fan of roguelikes, this is basically the stuff I live for! Putting the procedural generation on the upgrades you get offered and the enemy buffs that appear per wave is really neat, and definitely made this a fun experience.

A simple game with a lot of options! Different builds were fun to try out. Good level progressions.

I enjoyed the game and liked the option to choose upgrades when a wave was defeated. Combat system was well implemented.

The game feels really exciting and fun. I like different ability applied to the bullet.

The variation in power-ups / levels was quite fun, and provided ample challenge to the user while playing the game.

I like the many power-ups we could choose from. I got so strong that the enemies didn't stand a chance. Choosing different power-ups and seeing all the different effects it had was fun.


What could this game have done better?


'The core gameplay loop is pretty good, the animations and music are pretty good... and everything else is pretty aggressively terrible. The UI/UX is just atrocious. I literally cannot see most of the enemies and my tank at the same time due to the scaling of the vertical screen. There is literally a block of text blocking the left third of the screen. Right-click is for some reason the primary action button, despite left click being used for nothing. Homing will cause your shots to actively miss their intended targets sometimes, and spiral around a completely different target. After a certain point, enemies will literally just stop spawning.

So many aspects of this game are really good, but so many others just make you ask 'WHY?!''

The UI layout could have been better, it is a little hard to see the enemies sometimes with the text blocking. Maybe you can have the option of minimizing the stat display. It might be personal preference but I think it's better to have shooting as space bar instead of right mouse click or have the player choose to cater to people who don't use a mouse.

I think that the audio levels may need to be balanced a little bit (when you stack up attack speed, shrapnel, and scatter shot it gets very loud). Speaking on balance, the upgrades offered probably need some as well as some more effects to know what is happening (I wasn't really sure if the burning was burning or doing lightning, despite having not picked up chain lightning until later).

The player became too overpowered after a few levels.

Increase attack speed - get chaos amplifier - increase range and you'll be able to clear levels even before you know it! Definitely needs balancing.

The upgrades are true random, chance based events. Probably control the randomness so that the game does not get too easy as level progresses.

Game became chaotic and easy as the waves progress. I felt that less choices would've been cleaner to play.

I think the balancing can be better. It seems like the game is easy given the strong attacks that the player have.

I felt like the speed of the game was a bit slow and clunky and that the levels were sort of randomly spam generated rather than generated with intent.

I think I became so strong through the power-ups that the game became too easy. The game screen also was a big too large in my opinion.