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It definitely has the most interesting game title i have ever read and that definitely works in it's favour.

The humour is quite on point as is the Gameplay. The good pixel art just elevates it to a whole new level of fun. 

The only flaw in my eye would be the emptyness of arrow's pointing you in the direction of the programmers and such forth

But overall it's quite a fun game and helps take your mind of life and such things. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a silly fun game

11/10 Overall Quite Good

Thank you, there were a few stuff that were made like animations that would play after a task is done and a highlighter and an arrow that points towards the task but we couldn't finish the jam in time and we didn't have much enthusiasm to finish it after the jam so i think it turned out like a funny but also buggy experience where you run around from the boss