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I absolutely love this game!!!! So much fun getting all the routes!!! Some unexpected turn of events with some that made a 360 degree turn. The unexpectedness of it all makes it all the more juicy when you go through each one's route. Things you think will happen turn into a nice twist! So fun!!! \(>w<)/

P.S: I'm not sure if its normal or just my bad luck but ever since I went through Bugbear's route he's been showing up a lot more or maybe its just my imagination(i hope its my imagination). Every time I see him I'm like "Yep nope not gonna fall for that trap again buddy!" yet he always finds his way of popping up again in the weirdest ways when I'm going after certain routes. Times when I wanted him to show up he wouldn't now he just can't get enough of my poor MC. Creepy stalking too so I try to reload and avoid seeing him as much as possible which means a lot of reloading saves. I'm haunted by this fellow every route at some point in time!! Such a shame too he seem like he would have had a goofy route at first but geez it broke me literally!! WHHHYYYYY!?!?!?!?! Beware his route!!!All is not golden with this fellow! I should have known when I saw him greet my character from the welcoming committee that he was bad news but just had to be curious and look what it got me!! Bad luck! X'D