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lol I hadn't even thought about same frame inputs because I just assumed it was impossible. I'll make a quick change for that though.

platform jumps i might either take out completely, or keep a single one in because I know exactly how they work and they might be fun for a single easy-to-land speedrunning tech.

however: i will look into the input issue, and after looking back at the code I realized that the forward/backward dash differentiation is in need of some refactoring. and you're also right about the platforms, there are definitely sections where they weren't placed with intent and i'll make another pass on those when I polish things. thanks for the clarification, and also spending time experimenting.


no problem! it was only difficult trying to make it run frame by frame and setting up a tasing program for the game to help me test input by input, but now i might try to do some movement shenanigans. i would suggest keeping 2 platform jumps in at most. tbh i find them fun and wonky and allow for some really interesting skips. if there is a decreased number of plats like your saying there will be, then it might be cool to increase the boost you get from doing one to have it be more powerful and have it cap at one boost.