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Haha, yeah, it is a weird one! Usually, I feel more like I wanna do lots, and if I don't, I feel ridiculously guilty, so that sorta helps kick m butt into gear a lot of the time x3 Other times though, I just feel utterly hopeless >.< When I'm not participating in jams, I certainly try to maintain a degree of physical fitness by exercising daily + eating relatively healthy. That kinda just goes out the window during jam crunch time though, which is bad x3

Since the pandemic though, my dad and I have sorta agreed that we need to have more weekends away and stuff together just to get out and see more of the country, so we've arranged little trips here and there every few months or so, so that we've got stuff to look forward to that also gives us a break from the daily grind :3

Hehe, all hail the might coffee :D I don't mind bitter coffee! I usually have mine kinda mellow, but generally, I'll drink any sorta coffee that's available xD Cold brews in summer are heavenly though! I remember the first time I found a place that said they did a cold brew mocha, but they also let you add syrup of your choice, so I tried one with hazelnut syrup and it tasted like icy Nutella x3 So good!

Thank youuuu ^-^ And to you too!