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Deleted 1 year ago

For somebody that has less than a gig of storage on their laptop I highly doubt it runs well.

Deleted 1 year ago

Okay, Im sorry, but you shouldnt be mean. Hope you learned your lesson… anyway heres my full apology 

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Where did It go?


Stop raging at people in replies, its not their fault it doesn't run well, and its not your responsibility to reply to every single person who comments about an issue. Rather than criticize people who are simply saying it does not work well for them, you should give them advice on how to find a way to fix it. Better yet, remove yourself from the internet and live in a cave.


Don’t worry, some kind of stranger, I’m calm and not raging for now. It was an old reply, so you are too late for that. I blocked that user, so no problem for me. I’m not that toxic and not even an adult


Stating you are "not that toxic" seems like a stretch for what you've replied to people with, and stating that you are a minor does not change the fact that you were being rude to people with seemingly no reason for it.

Now that’s confusing… Don’t remind me about this, please 🥺 I will be kind to people


Will I Get Food And Water At The cave? Is There Oxygen Inside?