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(12 edits) (+1)(-1)

Bug report (web version):

  • The visual options do not work.
  • When any character collides with the side of a spring at high speeds, the spring shoots the player off to the side.
  • You cannot change your name online.
  • Minor audio glitches.
  • Major audio glitches when tabbed off.
  • Holding Q while on a downward slope grants an absurd amount of acceleration.
  • The water texture does not align with its hitbox in the waiting room.
  • If any character goes backward through the shorter loop in the waiting room, they get stuck for a second.
  • As Knuckles, if you hold space on the last frame of being airborne, you will be able to glide across the ground for a second.

i don't know about the last one,feels pretty intensional to me

corrected, possible case of coyote time

although i do think some invincibility frames could be added