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ok Turning Red. Feelings: what did I just watch? Thoughts: what did I just watch? Conclusion: I liked it, for some reason.

Good movie, would recommend! 8/10 stepping into the 9/10 territory a bit. Favorite character: Y E S 

did I cry?: maybe

Is the movie unapologetically horny?: you bet your ass it is.

It's targeted toward young teens or pre-teens whatever you wanna call the 12-14... maybe 15 age group, and yeah that makes sense since it's about change that happens around mainly that time of your life, and it also uses vocabulary such as "stripper music" and "pervert" you know stuff that kids generally shouldn't be hearing about and all that. You get it. But for some reason it's in cinemas rated... ALL??? Uh anyway nice movie. Go watch it if you're a teenager. Yeah.

gay people

OK? I don't see the issue here.

i just said gay people without reading it


ah. Okay.