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Great work, I love the art and cut scenes. I enjoyed playing it and watching the cut scenes. Nicely paced. Level 2 seems a bit buggy. I got to the ladders on the second level and the camera didn’t scroll up. Perhaps the player sprite from side view could have thinner arms and more expression (Just a small thing).

Thank you!

Unfortunately, I don't know of a solution to the level 2 camera glitch (other than going down the ladder briefly and back up). For some reason, it seems to not carry through on the move-camera event. You'll notice that when this happens, the bottom half of the construction sign on the left disappears. This is a part of the script meant to hide it from covering up the HUD once the camera is in place.
Since the move-camera event doesn't always register, I added an additional copy of the event in the script AFTER the construction-sign-hide event and that won't be registered either when the glitch happens.
I don't believe any other actors are interacting with the camera controller actor so I don't know why this happens sometimes.

For the player sprite, I wanted to emphasize the size of his frame to give the impression of him being larger and (most importantly to the control) more heavy. I've tried different styles but this size of arm in combination with the smile fit the best in terms of representing the character visually and conveying a sense of a large heavy character to be fitting to the feel of the controls.

Thanks for the reply Eric, it’s really interesting to hear your experiances and thoughts on your creative choices. It’s strange about the bug isn’t it? I did resolve it exactly as you described. I included this game in my “Platformers” collection.

Happy to write back, thank you for playing and sharing your thoughts!

And thank you, that's appreciated :)