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I'm pretty amazed at  the scope of this game. It just keeps opening up into more and more rooms! I enjoy that the boss rooms feel distinct with the music change and the platform layouts allowing for interesting dodging/maneuvering. I'm also always a fan of teleportation crystals, that's a nice implementation on a map that's so large. Finally, the room transitions are super slick, near instantaneous - this is a good thing, especially since you maintain momentum on vertical movement into the next room. If there was a brief loading pause, this could get annoying/disorienting.

Here are some suggestions/feedback:

- The movement is pretty sensitive, very small button presses would move your character pretty far in a certain direction. The fall speed was also pretty fast. These two things combined with the tight platforming made for some fairly difficult rooms, especially when you have moving platforms and spikes and flying eyes all conspiring against you.

- The alchemy was a cool addition, but I think the numbers need refinement. Herbs and mushrooms were way more common than gold, but gold was needed for all the recipes. This resulted in two problems for me, 1) I had to go and grind monsters for gold. I'm not necessarily against grinding for rare resources, but the fact that I was getting a ton of mushrooms/herbs at the same time which are essentially worthless without the one thing I need was a bit frustrating, and 2) there were some rooms which would lock you in to them with enemies and if you're low mana and don't have mana potions there's literally nothing you could do but die or restart (you could always make a mana potion, but I was fairly hesitant to do so since Keys felt so important to make in order to progress).

- Finally, I personally had a rough time making out the crosshairs over the background environment. I'm colorblind so this might not affect everyone, but the value contrast between the crosshairs and background was relatively low. That said, using the aiming mechanic was fun and fighting a horde of flying eyeballs was one of the highlights of the experience for me.

Overall a super cool experience, I liked that you incorporated the gamejam's theme in a substantial way and that the world was so expansive, it is a very meaty game. Great job!

I'm glad you enjoyed my entry! I really did try to stick to traditional metroidvania elements like the map, save spots, and teleport rooms to make backtracking easier. In regards to your feedback:

  • I started halfway through the jam so I went with simple movement mechanics. I knew I could end up spending so much time trying to get movement to my liking, so as soon as I got something that felt ok, I was done with it lol
  • I liked the alchemy system as well, but as you can tell balancing it was a lot harder than I thought. Up until the day I submitted, the xp given for making an item was less, the xp thresholds for level-ups were higher, and the drop rates were so much different. After I made the last minute changes, all three ingredients' drop rates are the same. Originally there was like a 10% chance to get a gold nugget on a monster drop.  As for running out of mana, it was by design to nudge the player into using alchemy, but its been a pain point to many players. Someone suggested that if I was going to keep to that design, then I should still have the player naturally replenish their mana over time albeit slowly.
  • I'm pretty ashamed about the mouse cursor. It was like the easiest thing  I could have polished, but I was just too burnt out to think about. I'm colorblind as well and felt like it was kind of hard to see. If I could make a quick change now, it would be to change the color to like a creamy color that compliments the wall background and the environment tiles. 

Overall, there is a lot that could have been better, but I accomplished the goals I had for this jam so I'm pretty happy with it. Also, I've received some great feedback from everyone and I've definitely been making mental notes. Thanks again for your feedback and playing my game!

No problem! The best part about these jams is getting feedback and learning from what other players are doing. :D Makes me excited for the next one.

In regards to the alchemy and mana, I would consider a different approach from having replenishing mana. (although I think this is viable as well, although carries with it its own pitfalls). I would consider disconnecting the gold nuggets from the health / mana potions entirely (or use them in a much lower ratio and have them drop more often). If possible, I would also lower the barrier to entry of using a potion rather than having to navigate a menu system, maybe binding Health Potions to 1 and Mana Potions to 2 or something. Kinda like how the Diablo franchise makes spamming health and mana potions an integral part of gameplay, it can be done, but it's a pretty big design question for what ends up being most satisfying. Honestly for two weeks of work, your entry already has enough going for it without having to worry about that kind of minutia (but it is fun to consider outside of the time crunch).