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This was an interesting and surprising game! It's a little rough around the edges for sure... there could be more feedback when attacking enemies, getting damaged, etc. The controls are solid, but don't stand out. The audio all works well enough, but again, there could be a bit more feedback when battling enemies there too.

The graphics are really interesting... feels almost like an Atari game, but as if it came from an alternate universe  where the Atari could pull off more sprites and animation, plus additional special effects.

What really grabbed me were some of the interesting moments through out... spoilers going forward, so if anyone is reading this who hasn't played, maybe stop here...  The story itself felt very abstract, especially with very minimal dialogue. But some scenes really worked well. The crawling in the darkness for instance. Another thing that surprised me was the whole section after what I thought was the end of the game! I had even closed the tab, but when I reloaded it, the game was still at that that moment! Going into a whole new area after that was both surprising and mysterious.

What I like most about this game was the atmosphere and experimental storytelling. I think this has a lot of potential! Great work!