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i'm loving this so much so far! i'm so happy with the fact that some routes end in friendships, while others take a more romantic turn. i started with sol, so my initial thoughts were "oh, are all endings going to be more platonic?" not that i minded, it just wasn't what i expected! played dominic next. he's one hell of a — then alexandre. and MAN. with how sol and dominic's routes went, i didn't expect the kisses and i was freaking out LOL... i'm now about to play kaito!! it's such a lovely game genuinely! <3


omgg thank you so much 😭🙏❤️❤️❤️ Initially, we wanted all the routes to be romantic, but then some characters didn't fit so well in that type of relationship so we decided to risk it into friendship 😆

We plan to deeper these relationships in a future sequel so maybe we'll be able to show new sides of these pairings 🥰🥰

agshausndd ALEXANDRE IS STRIVING!! 😆👌and I'm very happy about it ❤️❤️ 

I really hope you enjoy Kaito's route as well. He may be a little brat but, deep down, he has a soft heart 🥺

Thank you so much for playing and for leaving such a lovely comment 🤗🙏❤️❤️