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(2 edits)

Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate your time.

100% agreed, I am very new to 3D (started in January this year) so this jam I focused on visuals entirely (and thought I would have enough time at the end for juice, but Life etc) excuses aside I agree with you in everyway - the main hope for enjoyment I sought was to explore the world and play with some of the puzzles.

The enemy AI is the most basic I have made, but again was trying to learn the Nav mesh system so I was happy with that.

As a fun learning project I am satisfied but as a "fun" game I am not.

Thank you for playing

(1 edit)

Oh, that makes a lot of sense! I should've considered it could've been your early ventures into 3D. Still, big props man. I think there's something here that you can turn into a full game if you want! Honestly it's just missing the 'juice' and it'd be good!

(1 edit) (+1)

Yea, its funny I kept telling myself I will get the screen shake and all the awesome in, then on release day was scrambling around to get the sounds and music in!