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Played a few games and survived a few waves and kill some boxers. The game is fun and fresh as a TD game. I like the gun squad and the strategy with the waves and their paths. It is definitely hard and easy to lose sometimes, perhaps lives would help the difficulty unless you want it to be hard.  The tutorial was well written and looked nice, I would even force it to be in the game on startup and have a skip button for those who have seen it before but it is really short which is good.  I look forward to more content and levels, great job so far! What do you plan on adding next?


Thanks for the feedback!
I think I will make the final version of the tutorial an introductory level the player has to complete (or at least start and skip) to get to the rest of the game, I noticed that the current "slideshow" how-to-play is inadequate, especially for players with little experience with strategy games

As for what's next, the next version will mostly focus on on QoL stuff, like moving all on-map buttons to the UI, and also a boss for level one. After that I think I'll add more levels but I've not decided yet