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Hi! I'm having an issue with rendering 60fps gifs. It outputs the initial AVI file fine, but when it's converted into a GIF, the resulting GIF looks like it's going 2x slower than it should. I tried hardcoding the FPS values in the bat files, but that didn't seem to make a difference. My comp is set to 60fps, and GIFSquid in AE is set to 60fps. Any help would be appreciated!

There is no such thing as a 60fps gif file, unfortunately. Most 60fps "gifs" are actually mp4 files.  GIF files don't use a framerate internally, they use a frame delay, which is how long to display each frame before moving on to the next. This delay can only be specified in 10ms increments, and 60FPS = ~16ms delay. If you are trying to make a smooth GIF file, I recommend no higher than 50fps.

That's unfortunate. Guess I'll stick to 50fps GIFs. Thanks for the clarification!