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I keep getting exit code 0x1 on my Macbook. Any idea what that is? It recognizes all my WADs, but then it fails at the end.

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Just curious, what version of macOS are you running? Macs ship with an increasing ancient version of Python and I'm guessing the error is due to that.

If you don't mind getting your hands a little dirty, you could try this:

1. Open in a text editor.

2. Search for the line that reads:

input_func = raw_input if sys.version_info.major < 3 else input

3. Replace it with:

input_func = input

4. Then try running wadsmoosh again.

Let me know if that works or not. I don't have easy access to such a system.

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I'm using Monterey 12.2.1. Unfortunately, it doesn't work . If there's no easy fix on your end, I'll try to just borrow a a Windows computer from someone and do it that way if it's easier. It's not a big deal! The error message is attached if you want to see. 

Also, on Works of the Masters in Waters of Lethe, there are a lot of textures missing. Any idea what's causing it?

I just wanted to let you know that I was able to combine then  after using Boot Camp! Thank you!

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Sorry. I'm hanother issue. I was playing Mines of Titan on Works of the Masters in GZDoom with this load order:  Beautiful_Doom_716.pk3, doom_complete.pk3, masters.pk3. When I got to the exit of Mines of Titan, I got an error.

EDIT: Apparently there are discrepancies with Beautiful Doom. Worked perfectly fine when I took it off the load.