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Hey, kind of a neat concept for a game, looks like it has potential. A few points:

* Requiring people to actually run the game through python/pygame is kind of a big barrier for entry. There are tools like py2exe which can package it into a more convenient format.
* Are those assets ripped directly from FFT and Chrono Trigger? That kind of thing isn't great, and you could be sued (at least if you ever make any money).
* I got stuck on the third tutorial. After throwing the Amulet over to the archer and shooting the sprite, nothing else happend and I didn't seem to be able to move on.

Thanks! Yes, these are ripped sprites and I am unfortunately aware that I can't take this game any further.

You were supposed to throw the amulet back to the main character and then kill the archer. Maybe I should just not have had the second tutorial window -- it was the last thing I added to the game and it fell prone to ME knowing what to do, but perhaps nobody else.

I didn't have much luck with py2installer. Py2exe didn't look like it supported Python 3.

Thanks again for the pointers!

I did try to throw the amulet back but it said I was out of range. I think I tried to attack first so that may have messed it up?

You always end up with some blind spots like that in a game which is why getting other people to play it is a great idea :)

I had one playtester prior and he had other issues. I am uploading a fix now for both those issues.