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hello i tried to do some try about adding my potato car like the old version, but now after put my OBJ in the LODcreator, when i launch the game engine, i can't see tree and houses ike something gone wrong and stop loading, i can play and hit the coliders but there is no meshes :/ maybe a problem with the config file ? (i just changed some name and added my otr file in place of the orange )

(1 edit)

There is a bug which I still didn't fix which causes that after one parsing of a file fails, no other objects are loaded. It is hard to say why parsing of your file does not work, I would need to see the data and debug it.

ok where can i get the log ? i can't find any log file ? and othe problem i put a copy of the sr110's folder but same problem ! i realy don't understand ! (i changed the name of the folder + and the file names + in the cfg file to correspond) oh and i see the first version of 8 year ago on source forge :