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(2 edits) (+2)

Well, it took me awhile to figure out how to get to chapter 4 and 5, but I beat the game.

It was an interesting narrative, even if the premise and initial beats were more interesting than the latter parts of the game.


The climate change scenario was rather dicey for everyone involved, and it was a powerful moment when the protagonist had a moment to sympathize with their future self for being stuck in a harrowing situation. I just wished that that dialogue option had a tangible result instead of forcing a file load.

That future self was stuck in a world with corrupt governments, violent refugees, a rogue scientist who trapped a broken person with their past self in a pointless, emotionally-scarring time loop for months in the name of 'research,' and a bunch of disillusioned rebels who decided that the only sensible option was to bail on the timeline entirely.

And in all that, despite the motivations and the consequences of their actions, future self really was the least horrible person in the story.

Despite everything, at least they genuinely tried to make a difference, even if it didn't matter at all in the end.