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Really lovely art and music. Creates a wonderful relaxing feel. The wind & orb fx are really nice too. The music slowing down & screen darkening as you get hurt are a nice touch.

During the tutorial, I feel like you could get rid of the instruction text after the player has collected an orb while avoiding enemies. Keeping it on screen made me think I was doing something wrong (that maybe I wasn't doing it correctly or why else would the game still be telling me the same thing).

I also wasn't sure about the overall objective. Is it to survive as long as possible (get a highscore)? Or is there an ending? If there is, I didn't manage to survive that long lol. If it's a highscore, just a little counter in the corner of how many orbs I have collected, or if it is reach a fixed amount then a little progress bar would help me know how I am tracking.

Hey, thanks heaps for the feedback.  

Maybe I should have incorporated some numbers that could show the player how many orbs the player has collected during the game. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future projects.