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"Pfft", I sneered before reading Logan, "this guy is making an autobiographical RPG when he's barely in his twenties, hello big ego!" I wasn't wrong—any autobiographical thing has a big ego component, I know what I'm talking about—but Logan is a really interesting game model: after all, what's the difference between slipping into the shoes of someone you don't know and those of an imaginary character? And I like games telling the life of ordinary people, so the events through which this more or less imaginary Logan passes can't help but speak to me...
No, in the end, if I had to reproach something to the game, which is superbly designed, it's that it's too short ! The recreated events, except one or two, are a bit too banal to inspire me and don't represent so much important moments in Logan's life as moments captured seemingly randomly. But perhaps, in the end, that was the point: of showing that even mundane lives have their share of memorable moments?