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(1 edit)


Thank you for playing it, it's great to hear that you enjoyed it, it means a lot!

I agree with your feedback and thanks for the ideas! It would have been great to make the game longer by adding some more content and I have a lot of cool ideas in mind. But I had to scope down the game, otherwise I wouldn't have finished it in one week. But I'm going to develop this prototype into a full game because a lot of people want that! If that sounds interesting to you here's a link to my YouTube channel where I post devlogs. I also have a devlog on how I made this game and tomorrow a new video will be posted!

It would be really awesome to have you there!

I'll follow that! also, if you have a bit of free time, it would really mean a lot if you could check our game aswell :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for following! Sure, I would love to play your game.