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Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

This was a difficult horror puzzle game that came with an entire 10+ page manual and the game requires the player to make use of the manual to initiate shutdown for the machine. It took me quite some time to complete the game and was not satisfied with the ending of the game at all :(. It took me about 40mins or lesser to complete the game but the sense of satisfaction from beating the game was great but if there was an amazing ending for the game, it would have been much better. I hope to see more puzzle games made by the creator in the future as this game proved to be a challenge for me when I decided to take up the challenge of beating the game and getting the ending for it.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


Hey, thanks for playing! Yeah, the ending was something I tried to work out a few times but just couldn't get right. I was trying for some body horror with you leaving the facility while bodies are melting in pain around you, but it was just a bit too difficult to achieve given the rest of the game. I hope the manual was actually useful in solving the puzzle! Thanks again for playing and for the video (also I really like your video logo!)


Thanks for the support! The manual was useful in solving the puzzle in the game and it is essential to solving the puzzle. I enjoy puzzle games and didn't expect the game to be so difficult at the start XD. Would be cool if there was bodies melting in a horrifying manner though!