replaying this VN made me realize one small issue in the story, and is about how badly characterized Arty is
he is the deffenition of a clueless idiot ho doesn't know how to read the room, and does make it ruin certain parts of the story i feel would have worked well if Arty was better characterized or missing all together
i understand wanting to have a light hearted character to balance the mood, but it would have worked better if Arty was more of a useful third party that helped balance the relation ship between Cameron and Devon
Example: Giving how controlling Devon is, Arty could be that friend for Cameron ho allows the coyote to be more care free while also letting Arty have some opinion on their relation ships that could either serve to connect or distance the couple, it would have also serve better if it was Arty ho helped Cameron on certain scenes to give the idea that he is not just their for the ride. (like the part where Cameron nearly dies, Devon may have lost it and it is Arty ho helps by calming Devon and actually knowing about CPR or something like that)