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I'm afraid not, for a couple of reasons:

1.  The file bloat. The way CK is set up, with baked renders and such, means that it's already pretty bloated. Adding in sfx for each of the girls would hugely increase that filesize.

2.  I'd want to do it properly, which means different sfx for each girl, which is a lot of time, effort and financial outlay.

3. Along with naughty scenes, people would then ask for it in conversations too, which means VAs. And I'd want to hire on really good VAs, which is expensive and very time-consuming, passing scripts across, giving direction, editing results, and so on.

This is my first game, and with weekly updates I'm on a VERY strict timetable, so I have to be extremely cautious about how I spend my time. Next game I plan on completely reworking the system, though, and including things like voice lines :)

fair enough, I have no experience in designing games but from talking to a buddy that does its pretty complex. I appreciate the response.  Great game and thank you for the hard work.