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(I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish, but I can try to answer)

I started the first version of this game as an entry for GBJam 5, and in the span of 10 days I finished and polished that version. After the jam, I decided to make a more robust version with color. So for about half a year, I worked on "Derelict EX" and was nearly finished, however there was some issue involving the game uncapping frames and messing up horribly after updating Game Maker Studio (I don't entirely remember all of the details because it was years ago at this point), and unfortunately after attempting to roll back my GMS version the game was still broken. There are some older backups I could have used and restarted some work I had made, but at that point I was pretty burnt from the most recent build being broken and decided to move on from it. I'll revisit it some day though!