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This is a cool game, is there any way to mod in new files and folders? I tried to add the Iliad in as an experiment to see if it would just drop right in, but it didn't work. I replaced limerick nine (in the other version)  with the first chapter of the Iliad, that works, but it's a little hacky.

I do like the hacky vibe of just overwriting limerick 9 each time I want to type something, but would prefer a more elegant solution. I would really like to see the little completed checkmarks as I finish typing out the book.

Are there any modding resourses, or am I missing some obvious way to add extra content to the game without just overwriting other files?

(1 edit) (+3)

I do have a version that lets you load in external .txt files I could upload if that's any good to you? It is essentially the same as just replacing the files and it won't add it to the collection of works to type out though. It's something I could potentially do but I've not really been finding the time to work on games recently so might be a while before I get round to it


I would like to see that version, but if it's buggy it might be more trouble than it's worth in bug reports on your end.

I still really would like to see a version that supported external folders and added them to the main collection, or a mods folder. I think that would be a cool feature, and I hope you find time for something like that some time in the future.