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What about a game about a princess who is kidnapped by a dragon. 

The princess knows that none of her father's knights would survive a fight with the dragon(Their kingdom has been at peace for many years, and so the knights are all old and out of practice). She determines to escape on her own to save the knights. 

She has to collect some items to put the dragon to sleep, climb down from the mountain lair, and have supplies for the journey home. 

There could be four endings: If she does not put the dragon to sleep, the dragon eats her; if she does not get something to help her climb down, she falls off the mountain; if she does not bring supplies for the trip home, she dies from starvation and exposure. 

If she collects everything before leaving, she meets the old knights and her father as they are just leaving the kingdom to try to rescue her. They welcome her back warmly and the dragon has such a nice nap that it sleeps for 1000 years