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I'm running Windows 11 and it unzipped and played fine.  I used Windows' built-in compression to unzip it.  I know it doesn't help you but just wanted to post that Windows 11 doesn't seem to be the problem.

how do you unzip. I re-downloaded it 3-4 times and it never gave me the option to decompress 

Right click the file you downloaded and choose "Extract All..." then you run the game from the extracted files, maybe that why you're getting the error, you're running the game from within the .zip file (but you've probably got file extensions hidden?)

it will let me compress it to a zip file but not decompress 


found where to extract Wandersong, but it didn"t help

yeah its just not working despite everything i try

can you tell me where your extracted files went to?

i doubt it solves the problem but it might help.