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Huh,  that's new.  Are you trying to download it through the Itch app? I haven't seen anyone have issues downloading it through a browser. I'll try to done some tinkering to see if I can fix that!

Thank you.  I cannot download it at all.

Hmm, okay I can just send you a copy of the game. Are you on PC or a Mac?


So, unfortunately, I cannot send a private message on itch, so I can't send you the download code without needing an email or perhaps a twitter account to DM you. If you download the game on a browser, you should get a zip folder. Then, you right click the folder and hit "extract all," then you'll have access to the game. You should see "Murder at the Cat Show.exe". Click that, and the game should run.

How do I download it in the browser?  Also, I bought it in the Ukraine Bundle so can I even do that?

Yes, you can play the bundle games on a browser, but UPDATE: the game should work in the app now!

Excellent!  Thank you for fixing this in the app!  I have downloaded/installed.