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yeah mechanics balance is... complicated. since crafting ended up being useless, i ended up adding some stuff you can do with it in 1.1, but that means that... you have to do some crafting to unlock a few sex scenes, which feels very weird since it's the only thing in the game that's gated in that kind of way -- even though for crafting to be "not useless" it would need to gate something, since that's how mechanics work. it makes things feel more transactional in a way & i'm not entirely sure if i like it, but, w/e.

also ohhh, yeah okay i dug into the ophion encounter code and figured some things out, & now backing out will let you rerun the initial exchange

anyway 1.1 will be releasing on the 12th! that's the totally arbitrary date i decided on two weeks ago when i had more-or-less finalized everything.