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Definitely an enjoyable game with an intriguing setting. Some more maps and an endless option would make this an excellent TD experience. The idea of mobile "towers" as squads of units is well explored here, and when combined with rigid garrison towers and barricades, gives the player a surprising amount of options . Squad movement being as limited as it is is an interesting realism mechanic, though way to swap lines 1:1 would be appreciated so you don't end up with an order of spearmen stuck in your base.

There are balance issues here and there, such as garrisons seem a bit too necessary to succeed. Unit control also cost me a run because I couldn't figure out how to exit it, and the AI is way better at aiming than me anyway.

The pixelwork on the individual units is quite excellent, the units are all easily identifiable at a glance which is remarkable considering the small size and realistic proportion of the characters. I can't wait to see the environments get the same loving treatment.

All being said, I give 55 Days: Gonna need one hell of a burn pit/10

Great feedback, the idea of swapping squads is an excellent and obvious one, I just implemented it and will be ready for the next version I upload. Thanks for the suggestion!