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Very cool! NTR isn't exactly my scene, but I still had a good time playing this, which really speaks to its strengths as a game.

As the other commenters have mentioned, there's a lot going on here. You've got two distinct modes of gameplay, each with its own set of mechanics, and multiple character and room stats to balance. The instructions screen helps, but it has to explain a lot. An interactive tutorial would be super cool to see, if this ends up being developed further.

The mechanics do end up working together in a cohesive whole, and I'm really impressed by how well it all works.


Thanks for trying it out! I definitely plan to keep development going throughout the year. I'm not too sure how I can do a tutorial without overexplaining things since it all kind of works together. I think the best way to figure this game out is to just go through a couple of days and see what happen. I do want to keep adding little touches to make some of the mechanics more intuitive however, like maybe list the success rates for various tasks.