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Thanks, that is generally good advice.  I will say the one reason I haven't actually tried you game is that I only see versions available for Windows.  I usually only go to Windows to work in the Unity editor (which still just works better there and allows much better IDE integration) -- and then I just want to shift back to Linux.  As strange as it may sound, I play games exclusively in Linux, and only even installed Windows to try tinkering in Unity and UE4.

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Hah, kinda hypocritical on me for that point of being available on multiple systems. Our biggest issue is that no one we know personally has macs and linux devices so testing can be a rather big issue. A big negative for us to not have multi-platform support :/ lowers the play count by a lot.


If you make a Linux version I'll test it.

I really wonder if I should have included a Mac version of my own game -- the reason I didn't for a long time is that I do all my own testing and can't test Mac or give instruction how to run/install mac.

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Thank you, I appreciate the offer, I'll contact you once we have a Linux build set up!

Mac has always been confusing for me personally. Good that you got one out for your game though!

I don't have any way of contacting you directly so if you'd like to do testing for Linux, I created a build and uploaded it but I have no idea if it's playable.

If you have Twitter, mine is linked to my profile.


Well, it gets stuck in the dialogue if I talk to the anime girl on the dock, being effectively locked up at that point.   It also locks up on the start screen after dying, so I can't try more than once without killing the game on the command line and re-starting.

Also, probably not linux specific, but what seems to be the strong attack (block then attack giving the thrust forward) allows the play character to move over obstacle that normally are barriar to get stuck (on the dock).


Thanks for the feedback, for the future, if you do have bugs, you can submit them to the bug report discussion board! Makes it easy for us to keep track. Will check these bugs out, thanks for sharing.