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This was a pretty confusing game tbh... I didn't really understand what to do, after I got the key, and the hammer, it seemed like I was soft locked. There were also no feedback when the player gets hit, or if the player hits an enemy... I feel like there should be a little screenshake when hit, and there should be a little knockback or flash on the enemies when they're hit. And for the level design... There shouldn't be tedious finding coins in order to progress, maybe if that's what you were aiming for, make the player faster or add a fast roll or something. Some hallways feel too long to walk through as well. On the other side, the atmosphere and art were really well-made. The cute pixel artstyle mixed with the creepy lighting makes for a deceiving feel, emphasizing on the theme. The sound effect were cool and fitting, and the music fits really well with the atmosphere, making it more creepy and overall sounds good. The level design needs a little more working on, but overall great game!

thanks for your feedback bro <3

this is my first game ever but i am very happy for your comment i feel now i have a long way to go in game development domain .

comment like this will help me to upgrade myself so thanks again<3