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Man, I wonder what you can do with the stupid toilet joint pizza? You can't put it in the microwave found in the same room, you can't cut it into slices, it has no effect on Marzia, it cannot be stored as an artifact, what could it be for?

Survey time: If you were a teacher in this game, what would it take for a student to infuriate you to the point of attacking the protagonist/other students in the game? For me, it would be contraband: today at high school during 8th period near the end of class, I saw one of my classmates sneak a cigarette into her boyfriend's jacket as a gift to him. If that ever took place in the game's school and I was their teacher, I would have charged at them with several sharpened No 2 pencils at them, because drugs actually do make me angry when they are abused. Speaking of drugs, there was once a cigarette joint item in the game that I can't seem to find anymore, which would combine with the lighter to explode and scare away Marzia. What would infuriate you guys as teachers: students bringing weapons to school, bullying, sexual harrassment, a bratty student that has absolutely no self-discipline and always curses at the teachers because they're too lazy to work and storm out of class during a lesson, you name it?