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Welp, the cats definitely killed me.

First of all, I absolutely LOVE the visuals. They ooze soul. The shaders you use are great. I'd love to have a similar sort of effect in my game.

The game itself feels a bit TOO challenging, especially if this is intended to be the first level (which I highly doubt). The roguelike aspect of the game sometimes means that you don't spawn near any weapons at all, and you have no chance of winning because the default melee weapon is useless.  Progression hinges mostly on luck. The shotgun isn't as good as the rifle or the tommy gun. As soon as I got one of those weapons, the rest of the level was a breeze. Turret spam isn't good design IMO. Bullet hells just don't work very well in FPS format.

Also encountered a bug where trying to walk through the level gets you stuck and unable to move. I can't imagine this is intended since there were some areas that you could only pass by walking through the lava in order to get a power up.

Would love to see this polished up a bit and play a later version! Great work so far


Thanks for trying it out, in the future I'll start the player off with a random gun, that level is less a first level more of a "I'm trying to see what parts of the game are fun and what aren't". Thanks for the feedback on balancing and what isn't enjoyable. I'll definitely tone down the bullet hell aspect.

Also thanks for reporting that bug, no it isn't intended and I'll try and fix it asap.