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Main thing I will say is the screen being a set size isn't good, since I had to scroll and it took some time to do so. Also, it's possible to accidentally lock having everyone working without knowing why.

It really needs to be expanded upon, but it's fun for what it is.

Also, putting everyone into Wizards is too strong.


The set size problem will be resolved but I'm gonna need time for that.
I don't get what you said about accidentally lock, could you clarify that one for me?

Yes the balancing was not well done yet, I just wanted to participate here to get some feedback so it's the very first version of the game.

The resolution size for the game is locked and can't be altered. Like you can't it to be bigger or smaller as a whole. It becomes a problem with people with smaller screens when most of the game isn't visible.


Yes that's true. I still need to figure out if it's easier to just set the game on somthing like 800x600 or have multiple options to scale it.

Multiple options to scale it would be better for the long term and for multiple users with different screen resolutions. But having the game only at 800x600 is also good.