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>mouse movement

I thought RPGMV had an option to disable mouse movement, if not, there should be control/mouse control/whatever script somewhere in their script section, either you can just disable that or comment out the parts that capture the mouse itself to fully disable it. Searching on google might help, I'm pretty sure theres some RPGMV Forums where the question is already asked.


most likely you just forgot to add a " " at the beginning of the Text.

> Clipping and multiple enemies

Your enemy sprites are quite massive, and with 6 on the screen the clipping is pretty much unavoidable. Maybe consider scaling the Sprites down, so they fit better. If the enemy encounters are not generated somehow, you could also adjust the amount and position of the enemies for each encounter, but I guess they're somehow generated alongside the Dungeon (unless you're using the RPGMV inbuild procedurally map generator) , so that might not be an option.

Thank you for the other advice. I'll check for the option and if a script is available. The troop manager that is used to make the enemies and how they appear can be used to make everything more closer together. I'll use it to make the sprites away from the edges more just in case so it doesn't happen. Clipping might have happened since they are made to be very close together too, but I'll see what I can do.