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i've constructed the weaver table, helm, chest, etc.  No new formulas popping up. You probably should drop a HINT on what to do next to PROGRESS.

ALSO: on CREATIVE MODE : in the creative menu, you have several items with generic ICON of a CUBE, like the GENERIC BOX, BOTTLE, etc...

Hi there! 

Glad you managed to progress so far! Up to this point we have only had a few items in the game and are slowly adding more content as we manage balancing out the existing content. At this point you have managed to get all of the armour items that are available. Over the next month our artists are working on adding the icons for existing items that are available through creative mode as well as adding additional tiers of items. Meanwhile the game designer is working on a way to introduce them with some degree of balance.

We hope you enjoyed what you were able to play and we will be working hard to get more to you soon!