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This game has a bit of an interesting concept on the page, although I didn't really feel too much of it when playing.  I honestly ended up just going to one side forever and never really had an issue with the sharks unless I was looking around for something.  Which lead to it being relatively boring since in seemed like there was no limit and there was now way for the sharks to catch up.

Although the big shark did manage to jumpscare me a bit once which I was not expecting at all.  So that got me at least.  Although it didn't quite do anything, I'm not sure if I just got away before it could, or if it was messed up in some way.  But I never saw it again throughout.

Otherwise though I do have to say it sounds like there are a decent chunk of mechanics here in this game, unfortunately I never really interacted with them, due to the flashlight.  The cooldown not being visible made it a lot harder to plan around, but also the fact that you need to be still for it to l you actually flash the screen which make it a lot more difficult.  Mainly considering their were always shark chasing the character around.,  Which meant stopping was near instant death.  Well, death by drowning I guess.

Overall though, an interesting short experience of escaping sharks, and, hallucinations I guess.  I would be interested to see more of the mechanics mixing together at some point as well.

thank you for your feedback! you've given me a lot of things to work on and think about