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(3 edits) (-1)

Gun doesn't stop the alien, light doesn't stop it either (I was under the impression both were supposed to). Nav controls die, I fix them, engine dies and as I am leaving the bridge to fix it, the nav dies again. The power is still draining the entire time, even with all lights off. If there is a way to refill the power bar, I haven't figured it out because I die before I can even return to the engine room,




I made three attempts to complete this getting eaten by an alien simulation, and I'm done trying. Neat idea but poorly executed, that is unless it is supposed to be a rage game. If that is the case, 10/10 effectiveness. :P

it takes awhile but i beat it. and so can you

the nav and the thrusters both take power and gun stops the alien for a short moment, light does stop it too, just dont get in its way when its scurrying away from it or it will kill you, its challenging but i just beat it on my first try so try again