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The game is full of personality! The characters and art are cute and alive! Minesweeper is always a good base to build off of for a game. The turn-based combat feels awful, though. You miss way too often, and the variety in combat is very lacking. Dialogue and conversations take ages to end as well. This makes fights drag out for ages. Overall, it feels more like a cute minesweeper reskin instead of a unique game. Still impressive, though!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback!

I’m just going to say it once and for all, the battle system SUCKS, and  I am fully aware of it. I like to say that this projects is barely standing on its legs, and I’m eternally grateful for all the feedback I got, because honestly I would have excepted about 70% less attention on this game.

I will be improving on a lot of aspects on this game, as I’ thinking about making it a full release (this is a prototype).

Good luck in the jam!