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Sorry for the late reply. 
The android port is done unofficial and is sadly out of my control.  

(1 edit)

oh man come on I loved your game was really looking forward......well anyway not your fault but if u can do anything about it... please look into it cause ur game rocks and we Android users Don't have any good games for option

I'm happy you liked the game!
You could always write the one who does the port for the game:

Sadly, my time is focused solely on the games content and time is limited. But I do believe the people who do the ports are hard working people. So, let's have faith in those guys.

(2 edits)

I understand man but seriously keep up the good work and thanks for the link u know ur game is the first time that has me intruiged in the story....thanks for making such games.... really excited to see how the story unfolds...🙂