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I love tower defense games and i would like to play this game but idk how. After i collect 30 woods and trade them to 1 magic core, i can´t build one single tower. Theres allways "u need 0 magic core and -4 wood pices". Sadly, nothing happens if "they" are reach my daughter..

But like i said, i love tower defense games! I hope u finish it after the game after the jam, i would love to play and win it <3

PS. The Lighting and Sounds are realy nice, gj!

thank you for sharing your thoughts! Would you mind telling me how exactly nothing happened to thr daughter? Like you are supposed to go day 1 when it reaches to 0 or below. 

Thank you for the interest! It means a lot


well, i dont know what should happen - if "they" hit my daugther they just dissapear and i can play longer, wihout an "you lose" screen or something. So there is no negative Feedback if "they" reach my daughter

I will be adding some hints in the game. thanks for the feedback!