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I like having a player who runs around in tower defense and I like being able to attack the monsters myself. I would definitely try and work on conveying to the player when a hit lands, like by changing the color of the monster temporarily and have a hit sound play. The cost of building towers was a bit ambiguous and the exchange rate of wood to magicores is a bit steep, I would recommend having the price adjust every time the player makes a purchase.


Thanks for playing the game! I hope you liked it and worth your time.

-MagiCore increases and actually later in the game after build 3rd tower it feels like game is finished because towers are too OP.

-Instead of changing the prices or making them cheaper, I will have upgrade system for player, towers and the house which will also provide you a permenant perk of  higher rate of dropping MagiCore. Permenant upgrades will be available during run time of the game. So when you die and it restarts its  still there which will give you a rogue-like aspect.

-I realised that people don't realise they are hitting. Thank you for advicing that. I was thinking to add color change and writing damage above them. 

Thank you for your interest!


I was very glad to play your game and I think it shows a lot of potential considering what you got done in a short amount of time. Keep up the good work!